Corporate governance

Respect, Transparency and Integrity 


Respect, Transparency and Integrity are strongly embedded in our organization. These three core values guide the Caldic team in their daily operations while they work with colleagues, customers, principals and others. We are committed to taking the right decision and to treating everyone equally and with respect. This reflects our belief in the importance of our team, our business partners and society at large. Moreover, it encourages us, as a minimum requirement, to act in strict compliance with external laws and regulations, and well as with our own regulations and requirements. Taken in combination, they all help us create a healthy, responsible and conducive work environment for ourselves as well as valuable and sustainable relationships of trust with colleagues and other stakeholders. This commitment is implicit in our purpose, ‘Because we care’.

Compliance is an intrinsic part of integrity: we comply with all rules and regulations that are applicable to our business, and we take pride in setting high ethical standards for ourselves and the principals and other partners we work with. This ensures we protect our employees, our business, and our reputation, as well as the businesses and reputations of our customers.

Our Global Compliance Program comprises various policies, procedures and training. These are aimed at supporting strong levels of Integrity, Transparency and Respect between our employees and external stakeholders, while at the same time ensuring compliance with the law.

Our Code of Conduct outlines the ethics and values by which we engage in business activities. 

Code of Conduct

The Caldic Code of Conduct is the backbone of the Compliance Program. It is the key document that summarizes our group policies and business principles. The Code of Conduct sets out the ground rules of what we expect from our employees and outlines the ethics and values by which Caldic engages in business activities. Here you can download our Code of Conduct.

Compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct is mandatory for any agreement or contract between Caldic and our suppliers. It ensures our suppliers adhere to our values. The aim of this Code is to support business relationships and to improve social and environmental standards. We will work with our suppliers to achieve compliance.

Should anyone witness or suspect a violation of our Code of Conduct, policies or procedures, our Speak up policy encourages such incidents to be raised internally, or alternatively, via the externally hosted Speak Up platform, which facilitates anonymous reporting and filing of complaints in the local language of the countries where Caldic is present.   

Adherence to the law

The environment in which we operate and the regulations that are applicable to us change all the time. For this reason, we regularly review our processes to ensure we are compliant. We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations, be they international or domestic. We do not conduct business with suppliers and/or contractors who do not adhere to the highest standards of behavior as set out in our Supplier Code of Conduct. In addition, our suppliers and contractors will be vetted and approved in accordance with our Know Your Customer and Know Your Supplier policies.

Should you have any questions about our Global Compliance Program, please reach out to our Compliance department via

Our leadership

We combine knowledgeable management teams working at local country level with a strong global team who come together to offer inspiring solutions.

Meet our global Executive Leadership Team and our Staff Directors.  

Executive Leadership Team

Through their commitment, entrepreneurship and care, the Executive Leadership Team drive forward the strategic vision of Caldic.

Steven Terwindt
Steven Terwindt CEO

“I like to encourage an environment where all our employees feel seen, heard, appreciated, and connected across the organization, Because We Care!”

Rahul Vas-Bhat
Rahul Vas-Bhat CFO

"Passionate about creating a high-performance team that delivers sustainable value through the inspiring solutions we provide." 

Laurent Pasqualini
Laurent Pasqualini CEO Caldic Europe

"Working with passion, always facilitating the team spirit and collaboration between Caldic employees for them to deliver the best innovative solutions for our customer's success."

Elcio Mendes, CEO Caldic LATAM
Elcio Mendes CEO Caldic LATAM

“We strive to create added value by listening to our customers and principals, unleashing the potential in our people towards it.”

Anne Victoria Brown
Anne Victoria Brown CEO Caldic North America

"Builder of business through the development of innovative solutions by leveraging the knowledge of the Caldic team globally. Bringing elegant answers to the strategic challenges faced by our customers and principals."

Knud Mohr
Knud Mohr CEO Connell Caldic APAC

“Every day I think about how we can exceed our Customers’ and Principals’ expectations. I am passionate about People, religious about Safety in operations, and as a leader, I believe honesty and integrity are core values to live by."

Charles Davies
Charles Davies CEO Pharma Global

"My experience in the pharma industry enables me to help provide unique solutions for our customers. I am deeply passionate about sustaining and improving patients’ lives around the globe by supporting drug development and manufacturing medicines."

Aldrik Vervat
Aldrik Vervat Vice President Strategy and M&A

"I am thrilled to be part of Caldic's exciting plans to further grow the organization by finding strategic partnership and future acquisitions enhancing Caldic's overall customer proposition"

Samera El Idrissi
Samera El-Idrissi General Counsel

"Advising and providing guidance on all Legal and regulatory Compliance matters in order to create an ethical, respectful and transparent environment for Caldic and its partners."

Femke Krabbenborg
Femke Krabbenborg Vice President Human Resources

"Passionate about enhancing our diverse and inclusive company culture and to create programs to engage, retain and learn from our people."